Euna Han is a Professor in the College of Pharmacy at the Yonsei University, Inchon, South Korea. She received her doctorate in Health Policy and Management, specializing in health economics, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006. As a health economist, Professor Han has considerable research experience in the area of the economics of health behaviors. Her research has previously examined the economic consequences of obesity, exploring the potential underlying mechanisms of the association of obesity with employment and earnings in various populations. Her current research primarily focuses on assessing health policy outcomes and the economics of health behaviors particularly for disability and obesity, using quantitative methodologies.
1995 B.S., Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
2000 M.P.H., Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
2006 Ph.D. in Health Economics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
Dissertation: “The effect of obesity on labor market outcomes” (Chair: Edward C. Norton)
2020−current: Professor. College of Pharmacy, Yonsei University, Incheon, South Korea.
2014−2019: Associate Professor. College of Pharmacy, Yonsei University, Incheon, South Korea.
2011−2013: Assistant Professor. College of Pharmacy, Gachon University, Incheon, South Korea.
2007−2010: Research Specialist. Institute for Health Research and Policy, U of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
2006−2007: Post-Doctoral Fellow. Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, U of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
2004−2006: Pre-Doctoral Fellow. GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC.
2000−2002: Research Associate. Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Seoul, South Korea.
1995−1997: Clinical Research Associate. Dong-Ah Pharmaceutical Company, Seoul, South Korea.